*** Thank you to the following affiliates for hosting us! *** CrossFit Annapolis - 12.17.11, "Severin" *** Yankee CrossFit - 12.27.11, "Collin" *** CrossFit King of Prussia - 12.31.11, "Bull" *** CrossFit Norwalk - 01.14.12, "Moon" *** CrossFit Rife - 01.28.12, "Bradshaw" ***

Sunday, November 6, 2011

WOD 05 - Josh

This workout is dedicated to SSG Joshua Hager, United States Army who was killed Thursday February 22 2007 in Ar Ramadi, Iraq.

First posted 26 February 2007

95 pound Overhead squat, 21 reps
42 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
30 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 9 reps
18 Pull-ups
For time.

Jack: 7:58; Nicole: 9:53 - Click for video

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving the video! You guys rock!
